Shortly after the Spokesman-Review printed a Dallas Morning News article on the healing power of artwork on the walls, I got a press release from the Spokane Eye Clinic about the artwork they'd recently commissioned.

The Clinic has adopted the approach espoused in the article, which is to treat the whole person, to understand that subtle things like color, imagery and pattern affect our emotional state--sometimes profoundly--including recovery.

The Eye Clinic's new south-side facility (at 427 South Bernard) features regional artwork specifically geared towards the Clinic's patients.

"Because so many people who visit the Spokane Eye Clinic are visually impaired," stated their press release, "special attention has been given to selecting high‐contrast pieces."
Jennifer Bardsley's vibrant wildlife images (above left), for example, will appear in the children's waiting area.

Kathleen Cavendar's luscious landscapes (below right) are also featured. Other artists included are David Govedare, John Clement, Mary Lehener, Fabian Napolsky, LR Montgomery, and Dale Nunn.