"Be wary of a fat gym teacher or a skinny cook."

Can you imagine an art teacher who didn't know his or her craft? While we take it for granted that teachers are, at least in some way, experts in their fields, some are more expert than others. And some, for whatever reason, ceased making art once they became a teacher. Having been in that situation--the only art I was making during my first 4-5 years of teaching high school was in the classroom and none of it for myself or for "art's sake"--I can appreciate that not every art teacher has the time or inclination to produce, much less show their work.

That's why it was delightful to get Eastern Washington University's announcement of their yearly showcase of area high school art teachers and their students. It's a glimpse into the future of what these capable young adults could be doing with their art. And it's a way to honor and highlight the folks behind the scenes, the teachers who help feed the rarified few who feel enough passion about it to declare themselves an Artist.

The exhibit opens July 9 (reception at noon at the art gallery) and continues through August 6. Telephone 509.359.7070.

From top left: Life, Eliza Johnson, University High School; Amongst Us, James Scarcello, Cheney High School; The Flower that Dances, Michelle Ferguson, University High School. If you can't tell which work is by the student and which by the teacher, so much the better.